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Global Coach and Facilitator
My name is Kathy Rodwell. I’m mostly based in Melbourne and like many these days whose work lends itself to being situated anywhere, I’m becoming used to working global hours!
I'm known as an expert Coach who has a business background, plus diverse life experience and 22 years of global coaching behind me. I work with clients ranging from ambitious C-Suite Executives accelerating their leadership to Founders growing their start-ups, as well as people redesigning new lives and careers.
I'm a Coach and facilitator who engages with warmth, finely-tuned coaching instincts and skills that drive right to the heart of the change people desire. I host big, thought-provoking conversations that trigger change, lift performance, and generate greater fulfilment and engagement. The post COVID years are presenting people with the opportunity to take stock and reset on what peak performance and a great life means, and I feel fortunate I get to guide these incredible journeys.
Clients can expect a tenacious accountability and thought partner, and their trusted confidant. It’s unusual to reach the peaks alone and the successful people I know build a team of Coaches, Mentors and Advisors around them, of which I am one. To create higher levels of performance we navigate through a system of self-awareness, practice and experimentation, failure, challenge and ultimately success. We decode the inner dynamics - your beliefs, values and Emotional Intelligence that create your results in life and we co-create new outcomes, the ones that change your life.
My coaching is grounded in the cognitive behavioural sciences, and I have a strategic focus on achieving measurable and sustainable results that deliver enormous value for my clients. Between the serious work of creating powerful outcomes, you may not expect that there’s also lightness and laughter in the coaching room.
I work with a diverse range of clients, including senior leaders and C-Suites, Founders of high-growth ventures, along with Indigenous and non-indigenous leaders in environmental and wildlife conservation. Executives assimilating into their first CEO or senior business role, and also individuals. Essentially my work focuses on self-leadership as the driver of peak performances in business, life, entrepreneurship and relationships.
My superpower is the level of attunement I have towards the client, their context, their strengths, potential blindspots and their hopes and desires. Quickly detecting the key levers for change within the person’s current reality so we can map the path towards achieving their coaching outcomes. This is part intuition, coaching skill, tried and tested coaching tools and a load of coaching hours spent facilitating powerful new perspectives and change strategies for thousands of clients.
I'm on a mission to create ethical, compassionate, people-centric dynamics in workplaces, homes, and communities. I knew this the minute I left my corporate role which had left me feeling disillusioned. But I landed on something that aligned perfectly with my mission when I found coaching! I also love achieving results and so do my clients which means their successes nurture my sense of reward and making a difference. Working with leaders and influencers creates a ripple out effect much further reaching than the individual I’m coaching and this is why I’ve chosen coaching - to work with those I do.
Courageous, intuitive, integrity, kind, loving and fun-loving.
I have my own Coaches, Mentors and Advisors around me guiding my growth and development. I’ve had a commitment to developing leadership in the world since I began coaching that still lives at the core of my “why”. Being a leader in my family is some of the most privileged work I’ll ever do and definitely the most rewarding. I love new adventures, being with people and finding joy in the small and simple pleasures of life.